How Do Values and Attitudes Differentiate Tourists in Finland?

Thursday 18.1.2024 at 14:15–15:15 / Matkatieto stage hall 6 (6b2) 
In co-operation with Taloustutkimus

This presentation illustrates why people make the travel choices that they do based on their values and attitudes, and it explores the question whether the field of tourism might be fragmentating. The field of tourism is now in the middle of an interesting turn point. External factors change the circumstances under which tourism operates. Global warming causes extreme weather conditions on tourist attractions and economic turbulence and the cost of living affects people’s ability and willingness to spend money and leaves some enterprises struggling. At the same time, the need for leisure travelling is persistent. How much do values make difference when choosing destination in relation to price, habits and easy accessibility and what kind of tourist profiles can be recognized? How does environmental awareness, a need to stand out from others, a need for luxury differentiate? And which way do the trends travel? In order to answer these questions, we formed six tourist segments based on recent in-depth survey and analysis.



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