Aika: pe 20.1.2017 klo 9-12.00 Paikka: Messukeskus, sali 208 Puheenjohtaja Kristian Sievers
Foorumi on osa maa- ja metsätalousministeriö rahoittamaa Suomen RUOKA&MATKAILUstrategian jalkauttamishanketta.
9-9.20 Taste of place: Aamun aloitus paikalliseen tyyliin, tarjoilua aulassa
9.20-9.30 Hungry for Chef -Keittiömestarin tervehdys
Yrittäjä Tommi Tuominen, Finnjävelin tarina
9.30-9.50 Hungry for Strategic partnerships
Visit Finland ruokamatkailun kansainvälistäjänä, markkinointijohtaja Heli Jimenez
9.50-11.00 Pure pleasure: energiaa päivään ja Suomen ruokamatkailuun
Yrittäjän puheenvuoro, Heikki Nikula, Hotelli Inarin Kultahovi ja ravintola Aanaar
Ruokamatkailukilpailun avaus osana Suomi 100 vuotta -tapahtumia, Kirsi Viljanen, lähiruokakoordinaattori, maa-ja metsätalousministerö
Ruokamatkailustrategian aikaansaannoksia, Kristiina Havas ja Kristiina Adamsson, RUOKA&MATKAILU- hanke
11.00-12.00 Cool and Creative Suomalaisen ruokamatkailun yhtenäinen tarina
Björn Ylipää, Storytelling by food, Food design, Måltidsvision
Jälkiruokametsä by Björn Ylipää
Seminaarivieraat pääsevät sisään Holiday Inn –hotellin ovesta, kokoustila 208 löytyy toisesta kerroksesta (isot rappuset hotellin aulasta, tai hissillä yksi kerros ylöspäin).
Projektipäällikkö Kristiina Havas,
Seminaari on maksuton ja siihen voi ilmoittautua TÄSTÄ.
Björn Ylipää,
Creative Director Måltidsvision
Lecturer in Food and Culinary Arts Högskolan Kristianstad
Björn is the former lumberjack, blues singer and pizza baker, who left Pajala in the North for new challenges in southern Sweden. The studies at the School of hospitality, culinary arts and meal science at Campus Grythyttan was a cultural shock but also gave the spark for Måltidsvision’s businessidea.
Björn, the creative director at Måltidsvision, likes to get his inspiration from the Nordic nature. He is the company’s expert in storytelling, experiences and beverages. He is also a lecturer in Communication of food and Meal design at the Kristianstad University.
Storytelling by food We like to listen to a good story and storytelling in tourism and experience economy are more and more important. To tell stories around the campfire while eating has been important since ancient times. How does your story taste? And communicate to all senses. Storytelling by food is putting this two things together and tell stories within a food and drink experience. How does the Northern lights taste? It´s not just about the sensation off taste, it´s about capturing the magic moment of standing there in the snow waiting, and looking up in the sky to get a chance catch the taste. A Nordic company producing paper telling a story about where they get there raw material. Could we use storytelling by food, for example to learn about the Swedish Right of Public Access in the country side to immigrants? The life cycle of the salmon from the rivers to the sea and back, can we tell that story with food and drink? “Our mission is "in a unique way and through an artistic presentation using food and drink to communicate messages and create engagement."